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A compound bow is a bow that uses a levering system, usually of cables and pulleys, to bend the limbs. Some see the compound bow as the most recent evolution of archery. The pulley system or “cams” on either end of the compound are what give the bow its unique “let-off” capability to allow the archer to hold less draw weight.


If you have any useful, helpful or interesting information that you would like to share, email Tom at


Tuition and advice

John Dudley School of Nock click here

Inside Out Precision click here



Article on arrow literacy here.

Easton website which has specifications and guides to the right arrows for your bow. Click here.

For an arrow tuning guide click here or go to the downloads section (sourced from the Easton website).

The essential guide to fletchings / vanes



Tension and direction - an essential watch! click here.

Back Tension pdf here.

Psychology - the difference between practice and competition download the pdf here.

The release - pdf document on achieving an unanticipated release download the pdf here.

Preparation and exercise is important. Two pdf's to download here and here.

Compound Barebow? here.



There are many archery podcasts available (they seem to be USA based) click here for the page listing them. Pick one search for it in your phone podcast app and listen, ideal for in the car or walking the dog. If any are particularly good or bad let me know.


Further information

Facebook has various pages for compound archery, click here for a page that may be of interest.


Click Here


There are many archery podcasts available (they seem to be USA based) click here for the page listing them. Pick one search for it in your phone podcast app and listen, ideal for in the car or walking the dog. If any are particularly good or bad let me know. New from AGB is 'The Way of the Bow' podcast click here.


Further information

Facebook has a dedicated barebow group page, click here to join.

Fosse Company of Archers © 2025

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